Standing for equality is one of our core values. For over 60 years we’ve dedicated ourselves to fostering a more equal, diverse, and inclusive society. We’re reaffirming that commitment loud and clear.
More than ever, we need to reflect as a company to ensure our actions align to our longstanding value of “stand for equality.” In that spirit, we share our 2020 AT&T Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Annual Report to tell the stories of our employees’ work in our communities and within our company while also acknowledging we have more work to do.
We innovate with the community in mind and focus our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion practices on four pillars: our employees, our communities, our customers, and our suppliers.
- AT&T California’s workforce is 65% people of color. Our California workforce is 32% Latino; 35% White; 12% Black; 17% Asian/Pacific Islander and 3% multiracial – which closely matches the demographics of State of California.
- AT&T’s supplier diversity spend in California totaled $1.7 billion in 2019, with an overall AT&T supplier diversity percent of 22.4%.
- Across our business, our employees, stakeholders, and communities are working together toward a more just and equitable nation. Various internal working groups have formed and are addressing areas such as Women’s Leadership, Talent Pipeline, Employee Engagement, and Leaders of Color.
At AT&T, inclusion is how we unleash the power of diversity, and equity leads to equality for all. We strive each day to foster a sense of belonging and empowerment in our workplace, create relevant marketing for our customers, listen before engaging in our communities and work as a team alongside our diverse suppliers.
Community Support
- California Giving: More than $50 million contributed by AT&T, the AT&T Foundation and our employees from 2017-2019 through giving programs in California.
- California Volunteerism: More than 170,000 hours of personal time given by AT&T employees in California to community outreach activities in 2019 – worth More than $4.6 million.
- In June 2020, AT&T announced that the company is committing an additional $10 million this year to create economic opportunities and foster upward mobility for Black and underserved communities who face long-standing social inequities and higher unemployment, all of which are exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past five years, AT&T* has invested $215 million to increase education, skills building and career readiness opportunities in Black and underserved communities.
- In 2020, AT&T matched employee contributions to: Color of Change, National Urban League, NAACP, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, National Center for Civil and Human Rights and the Equal Justice Initiative. NOTE: We do NOT match employee contributions to the National Action Network.
- National Giving: We donate $143 million and our employees donate another $30 million.
- National Volunteerism: In 2019, more than 30,000 AT&T employees volunteered more than 1.41 million hours of time in community outreach activities – valued at more than $37.4 million.
- AT&T supports programs that address quality-of-life issues with an emphasis on improving education and advancing community development.
- AT&T is committed to supporting underserved populations including women, seniors, youth, people with disabilities and low-income families.
- AT&T has a strong legacy with organizations focused on the empowerment of the black, Native American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino, LGBTQ communities.
- Since 2018, AT&T has contributed $1.7 million to power TrevorText and TrevorChat, The Trevor Project’s digital crisis counseling services for LGBTQ+ youth.
- National: Guided by our core values of “Stand for Equality” and “Make a Difference” we’ve long supported communities of color. In just the last five years we’ve given more than $160 Million to address socioeconomic challenges in communities of color, working with more than 55,000 organizations. (June 2020)
- In 2015, we launched the AT&T Aspire Accelerator to support and mentor the most promising and innovative startups in ed-tech. Since the launch, program participants have included 66% women-led companies and 49% minority-led companies.
- API National: In the past 5 years, AT&T and the AT&T Foundation have contributed more than $35 million to organizations and projects working to strengthen the Asian-Pacific Islander communities.
Bay Area Organizations Supported: Black Girls Code, Bay Area Young Men of Color Employment Partnership (BAYEP), Larkin Street Youth Services, Khan Academy, API Council, SPARK SF, Oakland Promise, Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley.